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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Concrete Cleaning Services Houston

Concrete Cleaning is a fundamentally needed service thay will not only make your Parking Garage or Lot Look great, Having it pressure washed routinely will keep deterioration of the Parking Lot Striping at bay longer, Pressure Washing Maintenance Schedules Keep Harmful Mold and Algae from forming helping Facilities Manager and Property Owners Avoid Safety Issues that could arise from Slippery Slimy Concrete at #Accountabilitypressurewashing
#WeGetItClean using proper cleaning solutions to kill and help prevent these dangers But use our Power Washing machine's 220° F capabilities to penetrate deep into the concrete Helping Deter the Life Cycle of this inevitable problem.


Call | Text 713-382-4944


Exterior Surface Cleaning

Alot of communities have high standards for the appearance of the Homes within the community, as an outward reflection of the values shared within the neighborhood. #hoaletter 's are how the elected Property Owners relay these rules and are the voice of their constituents to the hired Property Management company that has been tasked with enforcing what the HOA board has agreed to be bound by, however it is up to the residents to relay to the HOA members the needs of the neighborhood. Often the Houses on the street are scrutinized but the common areas, entry monuments, playgrounds, pool decks and border Fencing are over looked and are badly in need of maintenance whether it is pressure cleaning , or restoration services #accountabilitypressurewashing will always exceed the expectations of not only the HOA, and Property Management Company but the residents will enjoy the fresh look after #wegetitclean .
Find out more on our Facebook page or visit us at Accountabilitypressurewashing.com